Several of the GCL Builds’ senior executives have been real estate developers in the past. Although our preference is to avoid equity investment in our clients’ projects, there are occasional exceptions. It is common that our construction contracts have “skin in the game” clauses.
When delivering development services, our goal is to work with the Owner to ensure that a comprehensive Global Development budget is produced, comprising all development costs including Land, Site Works, Hard Cost Construction, Soft Costs, Tenant Improvement(s), Coordination, Finance costs and interim Revenue, while ensuring all required approvals and agreements are obtained from jurisdictional authorities and neighbouring land owners.
A key objective of the Development Services offering is to function as staff extensions for the developer client and to concisely communicate all necessary development requirements and timing to ensure that all activities are properly scheduled and concluded.
Several of the GCL Builds’ senior executives have been real estate developers in the past. Although our preference is to avoid equity investment in our clients’ projects, there are occasional exceptions. It is common that our construction contracts have “skin in the game” clauses.
When delivering development services, our goal is to work with the Owner to ensure that a comprehensive Global Development budget is produced, comprising all development costs including Land, Site Works, Hard Cost Construction, Soft Costs, Tenant Improvement(s), Coordination, Finance costs and interim Revenue, while ensuring all required approvals and agreements are obtained from jurisdictional authorities and neighbouring land owners.
A key objective of the Development Services offering is to function as staff extensions for the developer client and to concisely communicate all necessary development requirements and timing to ensure that all activities are properly scheduled and concluded.